My wife and I were married May 21, 2015. We decided soon after to grow our family through adoption (more about that in another post <3 )

We found our boys, Malik and Malikai, on the heart gallery online and started the adoption process. These boys have had a life of hell that included suspected drugs and neglect in utero, failure to thrive, developmental delays in infancy leading to extreme physical, sexual and emotional abuse by their birth parents. They lived in the dependency system for many years and finally landed in a Residential Mental Health Treatment Center in 2014.

They moved in with us in July 2016 from the facility. We adopted them on November 19, 2016. These are children the agency said were not adoptable due to their behavioral issues, trauma and their intellectual and developmental disabilities. Since then we have worked hard to ensure they have the best life they can have.

This will be a way to discuss our lives from our beginnings to our today. This is our Ohana. Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.