Hey all! I’m Chris (Mommy) and I am the writer of this Blog, and Chaos Coordinator for the Ohana! After being told so many times to write a book about our story I figured a blog was a step in that direction!! I saw an ad for a “start your blog now” free online course and as my world was falling apart with my career, my blog came together with the pieces.

Prior to my blogging journey I was so many things to so many people. My final full time, out of home position stole my heart and it still hurts to have left. You can read more about that HERE. Now I stay at home to be a full time Chaos Coordinator! It’s not where I saw myself at this point in life but I am making it work to the best of my ability.
How I Make it Work
So, from Career Woman to SAHM has been a HUGE transition for me and our budget! I’ve been finding ways to make it work though! I teach part time online, write online courses (Check out the T-shirt!), Coach Special Olympics Soccer and moonlight as a Parenting Coach. And did I mention,
in my spare time, I’ve also have begun creating Merch for the blog with our gorgeous new logo! Have you seen it?

Seriously Check her out: Instagram Facebook
And I run 4 Community Building Loops on Instagram:
Its a whole new way of helping people! Not to mention its fun! Check us out at the links above to see what its all about!
With all that said, most of my time is dedicated to meeting the needs of the kids. I have so many meetings and appointments for them I’d lose track if it weren’t for my To-Do list!
My life is so different now and I have an entire new perspective on life as a whole.