Mother’s Day 2019 is being put to sleep and I have to say it was likely my favorite yet.
This is our third year being mothers to our little monsters. Three extremely exhausting years and holidays only make the days harder.
But something was slightly different today. When I woke up early to teach today and gave the boys their meds, I got a sweet whisper of “happy mother’s day” as they each fell back to sleep. I was willing to take that for the history books and if was my only positive moment I would have been ok.
But it wasn’t.
When I finished my classes for the morning I went back to my room and watched Malik on the camera in the kitchen table area. He was wrapped in a blanket as he often is for early morning reading but Micaela noticed something else. My boy was “dressed up” under his blanket. He kept fixing his button down shirt under his blanket to keep it nice. He also keep practicing his mother’s day rap. We were both in awe of this little man.
We called him into our room and he tucked the blanket round himself tightly and came, likely assuming he was in trouble. He quickly revealed his “fancy” clothes and sang his song to us quietly. Then he snuggled into bed beside me.
Just wait, there’s more!
Kai was awake shortly after and padded his way down the hallway wrapped in his blanket to see what he was missing out on. He was about to lay down too when Malik asked him to come with him. Malik talked him into “dressing up” for the day as well You can see their “fancy” outfits in the photos.
They asked if they could take us out for mothers day breakfast and asked if they could invite Nana. They wanted to go to either our favorite locals place or a place we celebrated adoption day last year where you can cook pancakes right at your table! We decided to stay in and make the rainbow pancakes at home and invite the rest of the family over to celebrate and have rainbow pancakes with us.
We had a nice breakfast! This is a very big deal for us! Manners had to be reminded a few times and the reminders were handled appropriately, for the most part. When the breakfast was eaten the boys even helped clean up. Then they did something incredible. They played with their uncle and Poppy! Together!
It didn’t even end there!
The rest of the day went along the same grain. We said goodbye to everyone and hung out for a bit around the house. Then we planted some plants in our new garden bed up front and then headed out in some errands.
We were able to go out to lunch and actually enjoy our lunch. Malik had a huge trigger while we were out and was able to move through it successfully with help.

For us this day was a major success. No one ended up physically injured or retrained. No one got directly spit at, hit or attacked. The level of disrespect was low in comparison even to the daily foolishness. We call this holiday a success.