Tomorrow we are having our brand new washer and dryer delivered and installed. To so many people this would be just another day, for us it is a huge day for so many reasons. Let us start with why this is important for me and my wife.

The Importance of “New”
Growing up we both did alright. We weren’t super poor or super rich but seemingly middle class. I’m sure at some point we got new things but I do not recall it. In our adult lives we have not had many new things. We have had new to me things, but very few actual new things. I bought my car new and some of the furniture we have bought has been new. Micaela’s car we bought used. To this day I still remember how it smelt liked crayons when we bought it and we loved that. Our couches, the kids’ furniture, the patio furniture, two out of three of our tables, desks, etc. were all bought second hand.
On top of all that, this is a big chunk of money we are spending! We are so fortunate to be able to spend the money for new appliances. We spent time researching and finding the best set for us. We learned about steam cycles, front load vs top load washers, the benefits of different lint traps and options for wash and dry cycles. We shopped around; found a great set for a great price. We went to the store and looked at them, play with the buttons, doors etc. We got a price quote and the sales person told us to wait a couple weeks for a big sale coming so we could save more money on them. Then we went to another store.
After all that…
My darling wife found a similar set and they were on sale. We took down the information with the intent to compare and price match and went to the first store again and found out they did a price match plus ten percent off the matched price and at this store they had a better protection plan. Therefore, we bought it right then and there. After that, both of us just about had a panic attack.
The next steps were for us to get the tiny weird laundry room ready for these beautiful new machines. This included so many things I think this video does it far more justice than I could put into words:

So Why is This Important for the Twins?
We are advocates for keeping the boys as big of a part of these things as we can. We are hopeful they at least observed the positive aspects of this process. These boys who came from a life of hell were able to see what it looks like when responsible adults make responsible adult choices for themselves and their families. They will be able to come home after school tomorrow and have brand new appliances in the laundry room beside them. They will also not have to worry about stepping in water that has leaked from a washer, or hear the annoyingly loud screeching of the dryer as they try to fall asleep. It is our hope they will see that with hard work it is possible to get things you want and need.