Hey all! Kai wanted to take a chance at writing! He wanted to tell his life story. This has taken him a very long time to put together and I kept as much of it to his grammatical creations as I could handle. These are his words alone and he is very proud of his bravery to share it with you all. Please be kind in your responses as he looks very much forward to seeing them!
Trigger Warning:
This is Kai’s version of his story, how he recalls it. He does discuss some of the abuse he has went through, which can be a trigger for some. This story is from his memory so we left out any graphic details. Please send him your support!
Hello! My name is Malikai but I like to be called Spy KAM. (my initials Kai Alexander McPherson). I am a top secret spy but shhhh don’t tell anyone! I really love buses and roller coasters spy toys and My girls (stuffed animals) Lily and Sarah. Oh, and I have autism and some special needs, that just means my brain works different than yours. I play in the Special Olympics for soccer and swimming and I am really good. I have ribbons from my competitions, lots of them! You can come and watch to prove it, text my mommy she will tell you when.

Birth Home
When I was little I got treated really bad by my birth dad whoopin me, hittin me, taking all my stuff away and hurting me in even more bad ways I don’t want to say. I had to move away from him. When I saw DCF come I went to hide because I didn’t know them or what would happen. I wanted to run away so bad. I was upset when DCF came to take me away and I was worried that nobody would love me.
Foster Care
I went to foster care after that. I stayed in a lot of houses. I had a bird at one of my houses! I got to feed it with my friends who lived there. I don’t remember the foster parent’s names there but they were kind to me. I didn’t get to live with my brother for a long time and we didn’t see each other a lot. I felt bad when I didn’t see him. When I went to school I got treated real bad and got into fights because I couldn’t help what they were doing and saying to me. They would hit me and I would fight them.
I broke a lot of things and stole food from the houses because I didn’t think I would have enough food ever.
When I was at school and at my foster homes I really hard time. I broke a lot of things and stole food from the houses because I didn’t think I would have enough food ever. I would not stay at the houses for very long, my mommy says I have stayed at over 20 houses! That is a lot of houses. I was upset, angry frustrated and pissed off every time I had to move. I didn’t know the words for those feelings so I acted up real bad.
Residential Treatment Center
I went to stay at Devereux after I acted up real bad. I stayed there for a long time, mommy says 2 years. I had a best friend there; here name is Neveah W. She was there when I got there and she was still there when I left. She is waiting for a family, I hope she gets one soon. I miss her a lot. When I was there I had lots of roommates and staff. One of the boys stayed with me at one of my old houses, I can’t remember his name but it was nice to see him.
I had some really nice staff there like Ms. Jen, Ms. Tina Hayes, Ms. Mariah, Ms. Margret, Ms. Dani, and Mr. Daniel. There were some staff people who were not kind. I didn’t like that. They had good food but only sometimes.
Finally Adopted!
Now I have two moms who take care of me. We all got adopted at the court. They taught me how to name my feelings and that helps me feel better so I can talk about it. We go on roller coasters at theme parks and we go to hotels! We have pets too! 5 dogs, 2 cats, a pig, a snake and a ferret! We don’t fight here, and nobody hits me anymore. We have Ohana and that means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. That means we stick all together no matter what, no matter where. We love on each other. I still have a hard time a lot and hit my moms sometimes but I don’t mean it. I’m working on my social skills and good behaviors so that I can be proud of myself and my moms can be proud of me too!

June 11, 2017 June 25, 2017 May 27, 2017 My first time! I was scared but Mom helped me! A few months later I’m getting braver! Now I LOVE the Shamu Coaster! I can Ride all by myself!
Hi Spy KAM! Thank you for sharing your story with us!
I love the pictures of you with your family. I especially like the ones of you riding the roller coaster: you’re brave! Roller coasters scare me so much I can’t ride them at all!
I’m so proud of who you are, and it makes me happy to know that you have such a great family that you love so much and who love you and treat you the way you deserve!
Keep up the good work, friend!
hi! we love chatting with you. See me on this ever day send me a post to day i have to go on a mission. Are you a spy? Please tell me! love you- KAM
Thank you for sharing? I know how important it is when spys share, origin stories are always interesting. I’m super proud of you and at how hard you work, plus all of your soccer ribbons sound awesome.
PS you and your bother sent me a Christmas card so now I have it in my planner along with pictures so your awesome family is with me every day!
Kai, you did such a great job sharing your story. You have come a long way and have grown so much since we met you. Keep up the good work!
Love you!
Ms. Destiny
Great job Kai! Your nickname is cool! It is great that you like sports and stay active with your brother and moms. Exercising makes you feel better and is something you can do anytime your whole life. I am happy that you got a great forever family. They love you very much.
Thank you for sharing your story Spy KAM, we are fostering a brother and sister whose story sounds a lot like yours. You are an inspiration, thank you!
P.S. Roller Coasters scare me, you are very brave.
Wow Spy KAM!! You are so brave for sharing your story! I bet that wasn’t easy to do. I am sooo impressed with your writing. That must have taken a lot of time and patience to write all of that. You really should keep on writing. You are a great story teller. I have some good news about your best friend at Devereux!! I will send your mom a message to let her know. I miss you lots and am sooo happy to see how much you have grown!!!
Hey Spy KAM,
I enjoyed reading about your life. I am sorry you had all those bad experiences. I can only image how hard you must have worked to get to a point where you could write and share this. You are an amazing and brave boy. Keep up the good work.
Your words are helpful Malikai. Keep writing!
What an amazing little boy. Not shocking considering how amazing his mothers are.