This is Malik’s very First Blog entry. He is very excited to share his story with you all. Please leave him a comment to show your support!
My name is Malik but I like being called “Artist MM”.

When I was little I got hurt then I went to Devereux. When I was there I met Isaac, he is the best man to me. I also met Jen, Zach and Mariah who helped me get a family. I got a family and I do art now. I wanted to do art so people could see my hard work and to work out my feelings. Momma taught me to use art to show my feelings. When Momma first told me that art would help I didn’t believe her at all! When I grow up I want my own website just like my family. On my website I will put all my art and my music videos.
I like to watch YouTube videos of people doing art. Maybe one day a kid will watch my videos! I like to draw all over the place! I take my pencils with me places so I can draw. My favorite things to draw are: people and Disney.
When I get big I want to have an art gallery of my own. That is a big goal! When I am old enough to work I want to work in an art gallery to learn about it.
Artist MM,
I really enjoyed learning more about you. Thank you so much for sharing your story so I could read it. I wish I could draw like you. I can draw a stick figure but that is about it. Maybe someday you will give art lessons! I would definitely sign up for those. I like to watch You Tube videos too. Sometimes I like to watch the funny ones where animals do silly things. I am so happy that you have a family now. I know they love you with all of their hearts and are so happy that you and your brother are with them forever. Your family is so special to me. I look forward to more blog posts from you in the future. You are a wonderful writer!
I hope you had a great Christmas and I am excited to hear about all of your adventures you will have in 2019.
I love you! thank you i hope you check my page out more. keep practicing your art so you can get better- MM
Great job, Artist MM! Keep up the great work and I hope you accomplish your dreams! Thank you for your blog entry, I hope you wrote more.
Thank you for reading it! check out my art page too!- MM
That is a fantastic goal! I cant wait to see more of your art! Some of my favorite youtubers that you might enjoy are Draw with Jazza, BananaJamana, James Burke, Kattvalk, Vexx, & Unmask Art,. You should check them out 😁
Thank you for the youtubers i will check them out soon. You do good art too!- MM
I am so so proud of you for writing this first post, Artist MM! I would love to see some more of your drawings, you know The Little Mermaid is my favorite! I hope you are enjoying your new school and are making some great friends and memories. We miss you so much at JMS. Give some love to Kai and your mommies for me! Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and I can’t wait to see what the New Year brings for the McPhersons!
Love, Ms. Lopez
I love you so much. I miss you and tell my friends i say hi. i will work on Little mermaid for you- MM
Artist MM,
I am so very very proud of you! You have become such a big mature boy who love life and his family. You are truly missed. Keep working towards your dreams. I believe in you.
Ms. Tina
I love you Tina Hayes! I hope I see you soon- MM
Artist MM,
It’s great to see your passion for art! My nephew’s also love to draw and play music. Keep up the good work 🙂
Thank you! what kind of art does your nephew like to draw?- MM
Artist MM
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! It is wonderful to see your passion for art!! I think it is equally as wonderful that you are sharing not only your art work, but how art helps you. I hope soon we can see some of your work. My daughter is 7 and loves to draw, and loves YouTube as well. I hope one day she and I can watch you create a masterpiece!!!
Keep doing what you love and loving what you do, you are definitely an inspiration 😄
That is my art page! i have some posted now! Tell your daughter hello for me! Thank you for reading my story! – MM
You are one talented and brave young man. You will be able to touch so many people through your stories and artistic creativity. Looking forward to hearing and seeing more in the weeks to come!!
Thank you Ms. Lindsey! I have lots more art to show off! – MM
Artist MM,
I think you have great goals set for yourself and I believe you can do whatever you want as long as you set your mind to it.
Crystal aka Your Ohio Friends
Thank you and thank you for my presents too.- MM
Artist MM
Thank you so much for sharing your story! My niece Alexis and I looked at some of your art work and we both think that it’s really very good!
We think that it’s great to have an outlet, and it’s important that it’s something you enjoy.
We are both really glad that art helps you! We both enjoy coloring! Neither of us can draw very well, but we are working on a very big fabric tapestry that we bought online and we are coloring it in and then going to hang it in my house!
We hope that you continue with your art! You’re very talented and super creative!
Thank you! Sometimes I color my pictures but mostly not. How do you color fabric?? and what does it look like- MM
Artist MM,
Just wondering if you have done any art lately? I would love to see pictures of it!! I am so impressed with how much your drawing skills have grown!! I hope you are doing well! Miss you lots!!
Thank you! I do alot of art every day! Thank you for teaching me how to do art.