Many people ask what our day to day life looks like. We schedule EVERYTHING. For children with disabilities it is easier to know what the expectations are and when. For kids with food insecurities they have to know when every food item will be available to them. If we deviate from this, even if it is for something fun, there is hell to pay. There is always preparation time required for any change in the day. It is hard to just go do something fun. Any who this is what we have worked out feel free to steal it if you want!
6:30 am Morning Meds
8:00 am (or later) Wake up time
If you are up before this you have a choice:
- Go back to sleep
- Read quietly in the playroom
- Play quietly in the playroom
8:00-8:30am Morning Chores
- Make
- Take everything off
- Put pillow and blanket on nicely
- Put stuffed animals on nicely
- get
- one at a time in the room to get dressed
- gather clothes from shelf and back into room
- take off bed clothes and put on day clothes
- put diaper in pail
- PJs on shelf in closet
- Put on socks and shoes (if a school day) or slippers if no school
- tidy
up bedroom
- make sure there is nothing on the floor or under the bed
8:30-9:00am Breakfast. Kai Meds
- Water to drink.
- Milk or juice if you have been showing EXCELLENT behavior.
- Brush Teeth
9-11:00am Responsibilities. See Chore Chart and expectations
11:00am Malik Meds
Snack time-
- You can pick ***one*** item.
- Fruit snacks and Taki’s are not an option for day time snack.
- You can earn them for dessert if they chose to make great choices all day.
11-1:00pm If you have completed all responsibilities, you have free time until lunch.
- Areas are: in your own cubby in the family room, playroom, loft in playroom if being safe, in bedroom with toys from the playroom, at the kitchen table for drawing, writing, coloring, supervised on the front or back porch or yard when showing safe and appropriate positive choices.
1-1:30pm Lunch. Kai Meds
- Water to drink.
- Milk or juice if you have been showing EXCELLENT behavior.
1:30-4:00 Work sheets, Handwriting practice, extra reading as assigned
- When you are done, back to free time.
- How long do YOU want this to take??
4:30pm Kai Meds & Snack Time
6~6:30pm Dinner
7:00 pm Bedtime Meds
7:30 pm Before Bed Responsibilities:
- Pajamas on- Clothes go in YOUR LAUNDRY bag
- Dessert/ Snack
- Brush teeth
8:00pm Bedtime