Once upon a time there was a very angry woman (that was me). She got into a fight at a bar because some guy was being extremely disrespectful and was recruited to join the local roller derby team. There are so many versions of that story but we will just stick to this short version.
I had just gone through a crappy breakup right before the aforementioned fight in the bar. I was in a bad place in life and was looking for something to fill my time and distract from the single life. I was eager to make new friends and new activities. I had no interest in dating at that point. I was tired of the girlfriend grind.

How We Met…
September 11, 2012 I went to my first Roller Derby practice. It was embarrassing and painful and I met the love of my life that night. I just didn’t know it yet. She was beautiful and sweet and she encouraged me to keep trying every time I fell on my butt. She was an incredible skater and the other people on the team loved her. She made me smile and I knew we would be friends. I found out she was the co-captain of the team and I quickly found out the other co-captain was her girlfriend.

We became fast friends. We laughed at the same things and we enjoyed each other’s company. We have similar life experiences and we were able to bond over these things and our friendship grew. She helped me escape an incredibly toxic relationship both mentally and physically. The person I was seeing was an active alcoholic and the relationship was killing me. Not only did she talk me out of going further into the relationship but she also came to get me when I had to get all of my things and leave the house in a hurry. Without her I would have made stupid choices.

Instead I was single again, shortly after she was too. Her relationship had been coming to an end for a while and although her ex is a great person they were just not working together any more. She came to stay at my place because we both needed a friend. At some point I fell in love with her. I don’t even know when or how but I fell in love with my best friend.

Stay tuned for part 2 written by the wife!
Man Milton telling that story was just the best. We were so excited to get you, just as we were excited to get Mic. Love you two!
Between Milton and Joy you would think I was the Hulk. The story got better each time, and even better when they were drinking smh. I miss them!