Such a weird name right? I agree completely, but my son gave it to me. Shortly after leaving an exceptionally difficult school meeting, he asked me about what the heck happened during that meeting and why I had been yelling at them. I attempted to explain what I had been trying to accomplish. He was giggling as we walked out and said something under his breath. I asked him what he said and he said “Mommy King of Justice”. I laughed and asked him what the heck he was talking about. He said he was listening during the meeting and he was “proud of me” for working so hard for them and he gave me a new name. So that day, Mommy King of Justice was born.

Growing Attachment
I got a real laugh out of this for a few reasons. First being the fact that the meeting was incredibly adversarial and I kind of felt that I took things too far with the fight back against the school. I asked him what he thought I did to get such a great new nickname and he explained that he had no idea what I was saying to them but when I was talking I was making sure everybody listened. Second my son is not always the best at recognizing what is going on around him so the fact that he understood anything that was going on was impressive.
Third and most exciting to me was that he saw through the fact I was yelling and saw me fighting for him. For a child of trauma that is an incredible feat for him. So many times when I raised my voice around him he would be afraid, assuming I would be like every other parent he’d had in his little life. He would cower and hide, assuming I would hurt him because I was angry; he may cry in fear or act out in fight or flight. Not this day. This day he saw his Mommy, King of Justice.
“Not this day. This day he saw his Mommy, King of Justice”
Not My Best Moment
Now this is why I just gotta love kids. This meeting was not my best moments. I raised my voice, I got very angry at certain staff members and I was not being kind. I was not too proud of myself in these moments and it was not something I really had wanted them to see. I always want to make sure my children know I will advocate for them and ensure they have everything they need to be successful. I knew that they needed to know that sometimes Mommy losses her cool too and that even as angry as I was I could address the needs they had with proper decorum and grace. I hope that they got that message out of the day as well.

There are so many things I want my boys to learn in the world. I am so proud they have been learning the skills to recognize when I am fighting for them. I have had a lot of silly names in my time but this one has got to be my favorite by far.